
Saturday 23 April 2016


Your love has ravished my heart
And taken me over, taken me over
And all I want is to be
With You forever, with You forever

Pull me a little closer
Take me a little deeper
I want to know Your heart
I want to know Your heart
‘Cause Your love is so much sweeter
Than anything I’ve tasted
I want to know Your heart
I want to know Your heart

Ooh, Ooh how great your love is for me
Ooh, Ooh how great is your love

Saturday 16 April 2016

Deep Fried Tortilla Chips

Super easy and delicious homemade chips!
Oil (for deep frying)
Tortilla shells (I used whole wheat, medium sized)

• Turn deep fryer on to 375F.
• Lay tortilla shells on a cookie sheet, bake in the oven @350F for 5 minutes, (this dries the shells so they fry better).
• Allow tortilla shells to cool for a few minutes.
• Cut each shell into 8 triangles.
• Put cut up shells in deep fryer, stirring constantly for 30-40 seconds (depending on how much of a crunch you want) until lightly browned.
 • Lay chips on paper towel to drain oil off.
 • While chips are still hot sprinkle with salt. (next time I make these I'm gonna try sprinkling popcorn seasoning on them...I think it would be delish!)

Thursday 14 April 2016

Spring Is For...

Eating lunch outside.

Getting rides from the little brother on the side by side.

Little blond curly head helpers.

And red headed ones too.

Planting a few early crops in the garden.

Cleaning up the mess winter left behind.

Working together.

And being crazy!

Cloudy sunsets.

What did you do on this beautiful spring day?

Sunday 10 April 2016

National Siblings day

Siblings...I don't know what I would do without them! We have WAY to much fun together. I feel so blessed that I get to spend pretty much everyday with my best friends! I love the way one moment we can be upset and yelling at eachother (ya...Pauls kids do yell๐Ÿ˜‰) and then the next moment someone cracks a joke, and we all burst out laughing!
I'm so thankful God chose to give me 13 amazing brothers and sisters.

I'm gonna go join the LHOP party I hear going on upstairs, but I'll leave you with a few "sibling" memories from past last year.

Washing dishes for the first time in our new sink...Brooke wasn't as excited as I was.

Riding on stage coach in Old Tucson.

Sunny days in Arizona.

Just being crazy together.

My little sidekick in harvest.

Pizza parties in summer.

Riding with Jenny on the grain cart, blaring music to keep us awake in the wee hours of the morning.

I always look forward to harvest, cause I get to spend almost everyday in the kitchen with this girl!

Hay ride!

Cooking together....don't mess with us!

Trying to hack the wifi of any restaurant we enter...of course this was at Dairy Queen ๐Ÿ˜‰

Watching shows together at home almost every night.

Taking winter clothes out.


Sister party at Megs!

Sunday afternoons at the grandparents.

Babysitting GKGW kids.


Shopping trips.

Sharing the bathroom on Sunday mornings.

Going to see movies.

Happy national siblings day!

Friday 1 April 2016

What Love Is This

This song has been one of my favourites over the past few years, and over Easter weekend I found myself singing it a in the midst of all the craziness of getting ready for gatherings, I sat down for a few mins and made my first youtube cover video :)
Hope ya'll enjoy it!


You never change
You are the God you say you are

When I'm afraid
You calm and still my beating heart
You stay the same, when hope is just a distant thought
You take my pain
And you lead me to the cross

What love is this, that You gave your life for me

And made a way for me to know You
And I confess You're always enough for me
You're all I need

I look to you

I see the scars upon Your hands
And hold the truth
That when I can't You always can
I'm standing here beneath the shadow of the cross
I'm overwhelmed that I keep finding open arms

Jesus in your suffering you were reaching you thought of me

Jesus in your suffering you were reaching you thought of me