
Saturday 23 September 2017

Easy Marinara Sauce ~ Sugar Free

Here is the perfect sauce for you! I have made it with both fresh and dried herbs. It is WAY better if you can get your hands on some fresh herbs!
I was told to go on a sugar free, grain free (feels like everything free :P) diet 5 weeks ago, so I have had to be really creative with my cooking, otherwise I end up sitting on the floor in the kitchen crying cause I'm so hungry...JK...I haven't actually cried yet, but I have sat on the kitchen floor and felt like crying on several occasions...its hard to be creative when you are hungry! :D
I have used this on pizza, in soup, in zucchini lasagna (recipe coming soon!), and when I'm really hungry I just eat it straight! (JK!) I think I could eat it straight though...its just that good ;)
I'm gonna stop writing now, cause I have barely  eaten anything today and my computer is dying...ya, life is hard...(insert sarcasm emoji)

2 Tbsp. olive oil
1/2 cup onions, cut into small chunks
1 1/2 tsp. minced garlic
2 Tbsp tomato paste
3 cups fresh tomatoes, cut into small chunks (you can also use canned tomatoes)
3 Tbsp. fresh parsley, diced (fresh tastes best, but of you don't have any you can use about 2 Tbsp. dried parsley)
2 Tbsp. fresh Basil, diced (you can also use 1 tbsp. dried)
1 Tbsp. Oregano
1 tsp. Truvia (or 1 Tbsp. sugar)
1 1/2 tsp. salt

- In a small saucepan, saute onions, garlic and oil for 3 minutes.
- Add rest of ingredients.
- Bring sauce to a boil, then reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 30 minutes.
- It stays good in the fridge, or you can freeze it.

Thursday 14 September 2017

Pumpkin Cheesecake ~ Gluten Free

Here is a perfect fall recipe for ya!
We have been making this dessert for a few years now, it is sugar and gluten free (whoop whoop!) but thankfully it doesn't have any crazy ingredients in it!  its super quick and easy :)
I like to cut the cheesecake onto 12 servings, freeze it, and then just pull it out of the freezer whenever I need a quick snack.
Normally I make this with canned pumpkin, but this week cooked up a fresh pumpkin and used that was sooo good!
but no worries if you don't have a pumpkin fresh from the garden, just pick up a can from the store and your good to go!

 2 eggs
2- 8 oz. packages cream cheese, softened
3-4 Tbsp. truvia (or whatever sugar free sweetener you have on hand)
1 tsp. vanilla
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
2 cups pumpkin

- Beat all ingredients together with a hand mixer.
- Spread into greased 9x13 pan.
- Bake @ 350F for 3o minutes, or until cake is set.
(optional place some whipping cream in a bowl, add a little vanilla, and truvia. Beat until its thick for some sugar free whipped cream to top it with)