
Saturday 30 January 2016

Vanilla Strawberry Waffles

Jen introduced this recipe to me, and it is now one of my favourite things to whip up for lunch or a quick snack.
These waffles are healthy and filling, and in my opinion they taste every bit as good as regular waffles.
Aaand they are so light and fluffy in your tummy! they don't leave you feeling like you've gained 5 pounds from eating them...its a win win y'all!!

1/3 cup old fashion oats (or oat flour)
1/3 cup cottage cheese
2 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp baking power
Vanilla yogurt

  • Preheat waffle iron.
  • Put oats into blender (I use a ninja mixer) blend oats until they are smooth like flour.
  • Add the remaining ingredients and blend well.
  • Cook waffles in greased waffle maker (makes two waffles)
  • Spread vanilla yogurt in-between waffles and top with strawberries.
  • ENJOY!

You Alone

Hey peoples!
How's it going?? I really didn't intend to write my first post and then disappear...long story short I have been quite sick for the past 3 months (like sitting in a chair all day, in to much pain to walk sick) therefore I didn't have a whole lot to post about.
Turns out I have some kind of autoimmune disease, I'm waiting on test results right now to find out what kind, but thankfully I have been doing a lot better in the past few weeks, and most days I can be on my feet for at least a few hours!  
Thank you to all those who have been praying for me! I really appreciate it...keep them prayers coming! These past few months have not been easy, and I know I have a long way to go, but the lessons I have been learning, have been worth the pain I am going through, and I know all of this is only gonna make me stronger.
I wanted to leave y'all with this song, it's a gooder, and has been my prayer these past few months.

I'll be back with a recipe tomorrow!