
Saturday 30 January 2016

You Alone

Hey peoples!
How's it going?? I really didn't intend to write my first post and then disappear...long story short I have been quite sick for the past 3 months (like sitting in a chair all day, in to much pain to walk sick) therefore I didn't have a whole lot to post about.
Turns out I have some kind of autoimmune disease, I'm waiting on test results right now to find out what kind, but thankfully I have been doing a lot better in the past few weeks, and most days I can be on my feet for at least a few hours!  
Thank you to all those who have been praying for me! I really appreciate it...keep them prayers coming! These past few months have not been easy, and I know I have a long way to go, but the lessons I have been learning, have been worth the pain I am going through, and I know all of this is only gonna make me stronger.
I wanted to leave y'all with this song, it's a gooder, and has been my prayer these past few months.

I'll be back with a recipe tomorrow!

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