
Saturday 28 May 2016

Hot Cocoa ~ Sugar Free

i don't know if coconut sugar is necessarily considered "sugar free" but on my is. i used to use stevia in most of my recipes, then i figured out i was allergic to it, since then i have tried many other natural sweeteners but coconut sugar is my fav.
while i was waiting on my 4th and 5th attempt at gluten free banana bread (which i will post next week...if i ever get it right ;) to come out of the oven, i was craving some hot chocolate, so i threw some milk and ingredients in a pot and came up with this, it is quite cocoa-e (bet you didn't know that was a word!) which i normally don't like, but today i did....or maybe eating anything other than flopped banana bread tastes good to me right now... :)

      special thanks to my sis for being such a model :)
2 cups milk
2 Tbsp cocoa
1/4 cup coconut sugar
1/4 tsp salt

- Whisk all ingredients together in a small pot, bring to a boil.

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