
Friday 17 June 2016

KerKer's Chicken Pot Pie

I don't remember how many years ago I started making this recipe, but I do remember that our parents were gone, and Jen and I were in the sitting in the kitchen (probably eating junk food or something :D) and I was looking at a cooking magazine and saw this picture
I told Jen that was gonna make a chicken pie that tasted just like the picture, she thought that was a good idea, so that's what I did.
If I remember correctly she made the pie crust (cause she's good at it :) and I made the has been a family favourite ever since!
It's a great meal to bring out to the field or to a potluck, because it stays hot for a long time!
In harvest I cook it about an hour before supper and its still hot when I send it out to the field...and that makes everyone happy ;)

If you want to see more of this recipe, Jen and I made an "Every Hour Vlog" the day I took the pictures for this post, and the chicken pie made an appearance!! You can check it out here!! or you could also check it out if you want to see what I do on a normal day :)

*Read notes below before making*

*I have used many different brands of Italian dressing and they all taste great! this time I used this one.

*if you are using frozen veggies cook them as the package instructs before adding them to the filling.
I usually cook up some fresh carrots, and add frozen peas and corn (the peas and corn cook enough in the oven so I just throw them in frozen) you can add any veggies you like :)

*The more you allow the filling to cool before you cook it, the thicker it will be when you take it out of the oven, I usually let it cool on the counter while I am making the pie crust, though it is best if you put the filling in the fridge for a few hours...but ain't nobody got time for dat!

*It's best to allow the pie to cool for 15-20 minutes after you take it out of the oven, to let it thicken a little

5 cups milk
2 1/2 tsp salt
1/8 cup chicken soup base
1/2 cup cornstarch, mixed with water
1/4 cup Italian dressing
6-7 cups veggies
4 cups chicken, cooked and cut up

- Bring milk, soup base and salt to a boil on stove top, stirring occasionally.
- Once its boiling, remove from heat and slowly add cornstarch mixture, while mixing milk constantly with a whisk (very important or it will be lumpy).
-Place milk back on heat bring it to a boil stirring constantly.
- Remove from heat, add dressing, veggies and chicken, allow filling to cool while you make pie crust.
- Make this dough (you will only need half of the dough, so you can make some pies for dessert, or throw the extra dough in the freezer).
- Roll out pie crust to fit a 9x13 pan (make sure it comes up the sides) pour filling in, roll out dough to cover the top, and roll down the dough to seal, cut a few holes in the top of pie. (see pictures below)
- Bake @ 425F for 1 1/2 - 2 hours until crust is golden brown.

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