
Friday 6 November 2015

First Post

Hey all! I've finally started a blog!!

First of all I want to thank my very talented sister Megan for designing this blog for me!! isn't she amazing??

I really didn't know what my first blog post should be I thought long and hard and decided to do a "get to know me" tag.
Besides recipes, this will probably be one of the most wordy post you will ever see on my enjoy it ;)

1. What's your full name? Kerri Michelle Pauls.

2. How old are you? 20.

3. What is your favourite drink? Lemon iced tea from DQ :-)

4. What is your favourite song at the moment? Can I pick two?? "Solid Rock" by Unspoken, and "Here Now (madness)" by Hillsong Worship.

5. What are some of you favourite foods? Ice cream, mashed potatoes, and chicken fajitas are my top 3 favs.

6. What is the last blog you read? My sista Jenny's, I was looking at her first blog post to give me an idea of what to do for didn't help :)

7. Favourite book? Besides the Bible :) "Walking In The Footsteps Of Jesus" by Bruce Marchiano.

8. Favourite colour? Purple or grey.

9. Do you have any pets? I technically own a goat...but I am not the one who takes care of her anymore, and don't remember the last time I pet I will say no. I let other people take care of the animals around here :-)

10. Do you play any instruments? Guitar, and a little piano.

11. Favourite holiday? Christmas.

12. Are you married? Nope...I be very single ;) ;)

13. Do you speak any other language? No. 

14. How many siblings do you have? Thirteen, I am the 4th of 14 kids.
(the woman in the middle is my mother...even though she looks like my sister ;)

15. Favourite store? Old Navy.

16. Favourite restaurant? Dairy Queen!!

17. When was the last time you cried? A few hours ago, I was listening to a good song...that'll do it every time :-)

18. Favourite blogs? Obviously my Mom's and sisters blogs are my favs, but here are a few others. The Small Things Blog  It's A Beautiful Life  McKenzie Gentry

19. Last movie you went to see? War Room

20. Favourite TV show? I have many favourites, but right now it's "The Amazing Race".

21. Do you have any nieces/nephews? Yes. 3 Nephews and 1 Niece (and Becca and Megs are both expecting!!)

22. What are some of your hobbies? Making music, cooking/baking, and gardening.

Well there you have it...thats me :)


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kerri, I've wondered if/when you'd start blogging with the rest of your fam, lol! It's often the quiet people who are the very deep thinkers, I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Well done on your first post. Blessings!
    Mrs. Hildebrand
